12 March, 2010

4 of the most timewasting, social de-provement things

Human Technology - as what Finnish mobile gadget manufacturer would coin it; is not really improving human lives if you look at the other side of the coin. A myriad of technological advances in mobile and connectivity technology has spurred human dependence on gadgetry to go along their daily lives - successfully isolating everyone on individualistic islands away from more 'humanly contact'. Here are a few things which ultimately waste your time, suck your leisure, kill relationships, and commit murder on your social circle.

1. Smartphones - Smartphones enable an individual to connect anywhere at anytime. Wouldn't it be nice to receive emails and pdfs of charts and proposals whilst on your week long holiday in the Maldives; and be expected to reply because your job says so? Technology supposedly alleviates stress by providing quick, one-touch connectivity; but would ultimately become our prison - enslaving us to our jobs and bosses forever. Sucks doesn't it?

 To add to that, in the advent of widgets, customizable and downloadable games through open-source programs and pre-made digital boredom-killers - we soon become individuals who only know how to interact via weird gestures with a mobile in hand. How many people have you noticed staring intently at their 3.5 inch liquid crystal screens, making poking & swiping gestures without a care in the world? For instance, I had a scenario where a friend called me out for a cuppa one night and all he did at the cafe was molest his mobile to no end. "Hey man you didn't just call me out to watch you give your mobilephone a jerkoff session right?" Put those down and talk like what our human mouths are designed to do!   

2. Satellite / Cable TV - How many of us own satellite or cable TV? Statistics have shown it to be at least 7 out of 10 people. How many of us find ourselves glued to the idiot box for hours to end, surfing channels programme after programme to wild away the day? Don't lie, I'm sure some of you would be guilty of that. TV sucks the soul away, putting us into a trance-like state where we can't pry our eyes from the pixel-filled screen even when a volcano erupts behind us. As our bodies remain idle for long periods, and our brains remain static from no human interaction; we will soon become a species of zombie-like husks who survive on commercialized liquids and junk food as we give praise and offerings to the TV God. 

3. FaceTwit - These things have been beaten to death by numerous articles already so I will cut it short: Farmville, online stalking, and announcements of your toilet duties will not bring you very far in life. I kid you not.

4. MMORPGs - Holed up in a dark room filled with light-emitting boxes, only moving your index and middle finger and mashing away on the WASD keystrokes for 18 hours a day will land you in the corner as a socially-awkward, weak-willed outcast of nature. MMORPGs are notorious for murdering time, raping the lives of many young impressionable kids. Yes they seek to fit in the social strata, yes they need to obtain instant gratification and a sense of achievement - these games in fact do offer them, albeit only in a digital world. MMORPGs are not substitutes for a real social life! Wake up boys & girls, there is a big big world out there for you to conquer! It's called REAL LIFE.


new mmorpgs said...

This is the Official site of Wonderking Online Philippines. Wonderking Online is a free-to-play, two-dimensional, side-scrolling MMORPG developed by a Korean company Ryusoft

Joshua Boey said...

sorry i do not have time to play with digital monsters and dabble with the illusion of self improvement through miniature cutesy avatars.


Anonymous said...

Few words to describe these present generation that dabbles 24/7 in all these preset artificial and superficial "communication cyber vacuums"...
and that is ... poor communicators in society, totally
lost when they are offline or screen-less, awkward body language when being asked for opinions, almost zero exercise on other parts of body except the fingers ... I could go on with the list but I'll stop here ...

Joshua Boey said...

yes indeed true.
Communication skills of the current youth have taken a steep decline. It is very evident.

Try stopping a random bunch of kids and ask them a rhetoric question. The response would probably be far from interactive.