27 October, 2009

Some like it hot, some like it cold

People who defend themselves too much are actually more insecure than those who just don't give a damn.

Every human has ideals and it is good to champions those ideals if so you think its right. But going out on a whim and imposing a 'personal ideal' on every corner is a sign that the ideal is not so ideal after all. If it were ideal most people would be on the same page.

Unfortunately, it seems by far the society I live in today is champions mediocrity and superfluous ideals over the greater good, and the big picture. While the rest of the world moves over to answer questions on greenhouse effects and the amount of grains that can feed hungry mouths, we are still puzzled over the fact that some people like chillies and some don't. We still wonder why some people have one, two, three, or no  Gods to pray to. We still harbour over the premise that children are as dumb as bars of soap and can't grasp meticulous ideas.

It will be long till our fair lands finally grow up. But till then, we all just need to exercise a little understanding and compromising.

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