19 January, 2010

Maybe one day greys will come...

There has been so much buzz around regarding our frail sense of unity and tolerance. One would wonder when would we ever learn how to get along together. This not only happens in our fair country but all over the world; minus all the views through the rose-tinted glasses of media and general globalisation. Sci-Fi fans would admit that humanity will only accept one another when a greater and more significant 'other' emerges.

It's the law of distraction. Put a bigger distraction and people shift their heads automatically. If, say one day, aliens from worlds beyond arrive and say hello to us; bringing their brethren along to 'share' existence on our blue planet - humans, will slowly learn to understand that we are not that much different from each other as compared to those interstellar hipwickies. We drink the same H20 composition, and procreate in the same manner. We all have hair that sprouts from the place where the sun don't shine, and we all sneeze and laugh for the same kinds of reasons. So what is there to be xenophobic about? Yes, the argument would be that languages and culture get in the way but that all can be fixed by one thing which all of humanity should have the privilege for - education.

Maybe one day bright lights will descend on us, opening our eyes to life outside of our blue speck. Their existence will override all that we have learned and know about ourselves - and possibly, maybe we can soon learn how to move forward and accept 'ourselves'.

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