Earth hour successfully united the earth's population all over 88 countries to participate in this global event, kicking it off with massive gatherings that glued people together to soak up the pre-lights-out entertainment. Concerts were held with grandeur and extravagance.
Soon after about 3 hours of partying through song and laughter; the time has come to experience the great worldwide phenomenon of darkness. Lights out. One hour. Hello world we are back again.
Don't you think this movement kinda defeats itself in the first place? Look at all the entertainment sloshed on the hours before lights-out. How much electricity, food and water would have been wasted there? And do you even think one frickin hour of being in darkness is going to help our planet? Get real.
In my honest and most humble opinion, I think that Earth Hour is just a massive marketing tool for companies to cash in on the 'environmentalist mentality' and 'green movement'; taking advantage of our goodwill and basic human empathy and camaraderie, making us 'think' that we are doing something good collectively, but in fact our cash is just being sucked up by all the merchandising, memorabilia, and ticketing that's being sold.
If you were to really want to support earth hour. Turn off all your frickin lights AT HOME - AND STAY AT HOME. If you don't want to be home, you could just take a walk out instead of DRIVING.
Events are well known to create wastage, thrash, and overblown electric consumption. If you really want to save the earth. Do so by doing your part and not contribute to all the waste.
Think about it.
Down with all this money sucking crap disguised as 'good intentions'
everyone should think like you :)
good common sense ranting, maybe you
should influence more people to NOT follow these "hype-up-sort-of-good-intentions-with-profit-agenda-at-the-back-burner" events.
Well, in this world people would find any way to make money out someone else. It reality.
But if we (consumers) just stop and ask 'why' and 'how come', we will finally realise where all our money has gone too.
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