For those of you who have no idea what I am referring to, maybe this will refresh your memory.

It is a lever on the right side (most Asian cars), or left side (most European cars or cars that think they are European cars) of your steering column which is where you steering wheel is attached to. Turn signals are also known as “indicators” or “blinkers” and were devised in the early 1900s but only were widely employed on automobiles in 1939. These lights had flash intervals of half a second and were generally used to get the attention of other road users to tell them that an individual is making a left or right turn.
To use the turn signal, all you would have to do is (for right levered turn signal cars) push “down” on the lever for a “right” indicator and push “up” for a “left” indicator. For cars with levers on the left side of the steering column, it works the opposite (if you are too dumb to fathom the idea I suggest you stop driving and eat a pie made out of thumb-tacks).
Yes, it is so simple and easy to use that you should by all means use it. If there were to have an accident and you did not use your indicators lights, you would be in the wrong if you switched lanes without “informing” others on the road. This leads to a hefty fine, hours in a police depot dealing with disgruntled officers and loss of insurance money to the other road victim. I think you would rather spend your time in the toilet counting hairs than endure that.
So use your bloody signal lights, let others know if you are going left or right.

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