24 November, 2008
Stupid people acting careful
23 November, 2008
4am muse
04 November, 2008
Changing directions
Ever get those feelings that gnaw at you, telling you that ‘maybe’ your life should be heading in a different direction? It creeps in, crawls under your skin like a singular multi-legged worm under your bed covers, disturbing your peaceful astral travelling. Then it find a nice spot to nestle it’s blunt pinchers to slowly bury its ugly head just right under where you lay your noggin – telling, urging you to move away because it wants the place. Sometimes it takes a different approach to rattle your comfort: hits you like a ton of expired marshmallows – it doesn’t hurt one bit, but it would really make you want to bolt to somewhere else.
The experiences you garner over the course of your life will determine where you will end up; but not before you make the ultimate decision of which and what experiences you would want (or would have wanted) to take first.
Limitations set are like balls of chain strapped not only to you legs, but also to your neck. It chokes and strangles the ‘would-be-should-have’ life experiences out of you. Sometimes the limits are bound by how much dough you have in your pocket, sometimes it is just a figment of your imagination; binding your do’s and don’ts. Maybe it is religion that binds us, maybe its our guardians or parents, maybe its your spouse or partner. That is entirely up to your descretion but if you really feel like trying something and it is within your set boundaries, go out and try it. Just don’t go breaking the law and getting yourself into trouble.
The pressing question is ‘why should we set so many limitations to ourselves?’ The motives behind doing something is to experience a situation or possible outcome that we have not discovered yet, so why stop ourselves? Maybe some of us think we are too ‘cool’ to do something, maybe some of us ‘think’ that by doing so it is socially unaccepted or just not ‘happening’. If you have not done it before then you would have no right to label it so because you have no idea what it is like. It is just a figment of your deluded imagination. If you have done it, kudos to you for trying something out of your comfort zone and exploring the wonders of living life, if you have not then by all mean you get your lazy ass moving. You will never know what interesting things you may discover.
There is a movie out now in the local silver screens called “YES MAN” starring Jim Carrey as a pessimistic middle-aged man whom knows nothing more than the daily routines of life till he finds out that by saying ‘yes’ more often to life’s offerings, he experiences a life he would have never thought possible. So what does this story muse about? It is a message to everyone out there, of all ages and cultures to get out and do something with your life and not drop into a vicious cycle. Get out, meet new people, try new things, go new places, see different things, eat that weird looking chocolate covered bug – life has much to offer but it is up to us to grab it. When opportunities come knocking on your door, open it, say hello. If you like it invite it in, If you don’t like it, slam the door and don’t look back. At least you opened the door to say hello.
Maybe it is time to sit down, re-think the destination, plan out the itinerary and change your flight plans. At the end of the day, if it plasters a smile on your face that’s all that matters.
03 November, 2008
Random pointer of the day
Today I met up with some mates whom I have not seen or heard of for more than half a year and frankly speaking, it feels good to seal ties and catch up. Its always a good thing to re-apply the glue on friendships as friendships need 'work' in order to stay planted.
So if you are feeling a little bummed and a little lost, try calling up someone; you would definitely be surprised.
02 November, 2008
Automotive Signal Lights
For those of you who have no idea what I am referring to, maybe this will refresh your memory.

It is a lever on the right side (most Asian cars), or left side (most European cars or cars that think they are European cars) of your steering column which is where you steering wheel is attached to. Turn signals are also known as “indicators” or “blinkers” and were devised in the early 1900s but only were widely employed on automobiles in 1939. These lights had flash intervals of half a second and were generally used to get the attention of other road users to tell them that an individual is making a left or right turn.
To use the turn signal, all you would have to do is (for right levered turn signal cars) push “down” on the lever for a “right” indicator and push “up” for a “left” indicator. For cars with levers on the left side of the steering column, it works the opposite (if you are too dumb to fathom the idea I suggest you stop driving and eat a pie made out of thumb-tacks).
Yes, it is so simple and easy to use that you should by all means use it. If there were to have an accident and you did not use your indicators lights, you would be in the wrong if you switched lanes without “informing” others on the road. This leads to a hefty fine, hours in a police depot dealing with disgruntled officers and loss of insurance money to the other road victim. I think you would rather spend your time in the toilet counting hairs than endure that.
So use your bloody signal lights, let others know if you are going left or right.

31 October, 2008
Morons with mixed thoughts on ancient form of exercise
On the recent controversies involving several groups of varying religions on their take on yoga, I find it absurdly stupid. Yoga has been practised for ages and why is it only now that they ‘think’ it ‘might’ sway their beliefs? A person’s belief in religion is based on their own willpower and idealogies and why should they be so scared about a simple form of exercise that originated from another religion? Are they so low in willpower and self-esteem that they fear being swayed? If their beliefs are not strong to start with then why the hell are they still practising it?
The ‘sheep’ and ‘tools’ need to firmly believe in themselves and the religion that they are practising. If they don’t from the start then they are nothing more than what I have termed in my earlier sentence. Mere followers blindly biting on to the leader’s hand and accepting ideas without actually understanding them. It is a sad fact that we humans can be so smart yet so gullible at times that when one individual cites a controversial remark, all shrink like prunes and panic like sick children in a war zone. Use your God-given brains and hearts people!
If you believe in God, continue believing. If you don’t, it is alright because that is what you believe in. Be stalwart in what you believe in and you will be a happier person. Don’t let others force beliefs, bread, stones, buns, and ideas down your throat; you will just end up choking yourself.
Not all you say shall fall on deaf ears
Reading the current news on our beloved country saddens me, the lot and the ants in my garden. Before this turbulent after-period of our general elections, I have never been a keen listener of saliva-wastage, money-grubbing, mud-slinging and slander – or you could just call it plain politics. The last elections was indeed a changing moment. A big change for the unheard voices hiding in the shadows, holding lengthy discussions on how things should be done and how the ball should be kicked. Now armed with a new coat of paint, loud-mouth their ideas and beliefs to the world, hoping that their faint messages turn tides and provoke beasts. One among them I have become (or think I will be).
The unexpected bump in our unchanging road; forked it and changed our perspectives on proactiveness and complacency, leading a generation of open-mindedness (to a certain degree) and freedom of expression (also to a certain degree); whom are not afraid of speaking their minds – some for their own agendas, some for the greater good and all that matters. Once we used to think that the average normal bloke on the streets could do nothing more than survive for himself, can now provoke many hearts with just a properly inked thought and a push of a button.
Those whom are doing it now, relish in the moment of your projected thoughts. Be brave and chug forward with the opinions and ideas that have been bubbling in your cerebral cortex for you will never know what you might, or who you might change in the near future. In a system that is populated by commoners, villians, thieves, crooks, imposters, cowards, and the occasional clown; it is vital that somebody, anybody for that matter to try and play the hero’s role because we are lacking one – or die trying.
I salute those whom were brave enough to voice and comment on the current state of things and hoped for a change. Many moons back, most of us would just be hoping – but not doing anything.