23 March, 2010

Nom nom nom....regurgitate.

An average Malaysian would spend 12 years of his/her life huddled in rooms filled with wooden/plastic tables, semi-functioning chairs, and cruddy toilets; trying to make sense of the babble from the somewhat uncertain looking individual who; in their unmoving manners; wave their fingers and long metal rulers across the chalk-filled air occasionally banging on the front desks asking for their audience's attention and also to shut their traps. Our public schools hold many memories of trials & tribulations, first loves & love lost, self discovery & self detonation. Like many schools of other nations, our years in school would be remembered fondly, or dismissed when the topic comes up. 
Its a place where we find ourselves and somewhat try to learn the ropes in preparation for the big ugly world out there. The question is: Did we actually learn anything useful all those 12 years of education?

Answer is: Of course we did. We learned a lot We also learned that studying is akin to eating a bowl of soup noodles and spewing it out the exact same way it came at the canteen lady.

Sudents in Malaysia have been hum-drummed to believe that xerox-like skills are the pinnacle of the education system. If one could reproduce exactly what they scanned from a text book on to the examination paper - Ace! At the end of the day, our public schools produce students who can only CTRL+C, CTRL+V. No analytical skills garnered, no understanding needed. Just slap on what was printed back onto another piece of paper. Wow, 10 A1s! Does that qualify you as a 'smart' student, or just a machine with photographic memory?

Up to this date, there has been many stories of A1 students getting scholarships in foreign institutions, only to come back crying because they can't cope. Why is it they can't cope? It's because we are not trained to THINK. We have been spoon fed all our lives and when the moment comes that one is to be required thinking out of the box, the box crumbles under the immense gravitational pull of the individual's hollow mind.

The students are not the ones to be blamed for all this. It is the teachers, their parents, and the whole education system that has to be blamed.We need not lower standard to allow every child to come out as A1 students. We need not shout and brag about how many As our children collected over the years through CTRL+C. We need not publicize how 'smart' and 'accomplished' our nation's youth are in daily papers. It is just pure glorification of pseudo-intelligence. We need a society of genuinely intelligent people. People with the ability to dissect and think through problems and give solutions.

It is sad to think that our youths only seems to obtain that 'Life OS patch 2.0' when they hit tertiary education systems.

16 March, 2010

Beyond the Web - Savage Chickens

One wonders if people will realise it....

15 March, 2010

10 things about our boys in blue

1. If you got robbed, and lodge a report, they will tell you, "Ah...these things now very common so must be more careful ya? Must watch out for yourself, lots of criminals around these days"

2. Favourite activities include watching out for motorcyclists, people who don't wear seat belts, people with poor memories of their roadtax, people who look like they just came back from partying.

3. The love for blocking major highways 'just after a long bend' or 'right after a uphill' remains consistent; causing an unforeseen jamming of brakes or untold fender benders.

4. Guns are not used very much. So when an opportunity to use them comes to play, 'Shoot first, ask questions later!'

5. "Eh you people illegal gathering ah? What you doing here? Drugs? Pirate DVD? Pron?

6. They will always be a 'friend'. "Hmm....so how would you wanna settle ah? We can be friends right? You help me, I help you ah......" (with a smile ear to ear)

7. Flashing blue lights are great ways to beat the traffic! "Whoa! Look at the people stopping at the side to give us way. Quick need to go toilet eh!"

8. Stress levels can reach stratospheric levels in the department from all the mind numbing boredom. Releasing stress through physical means is much obliged on any new visitor behind bars. Usually happens before any form of interrogation or opportunity to speak.

9. Checking out couples making out in cars & parks, and interrogating them is a great way to pass the time on lovely evenings.

10.Nappy time. Always welcomed.

12 March, 2010

4 of the most timewasting, social de-provement things

Human Technology - as what Finnish mobile gadget manufacturer would coin it; is not really improving human lives if you look at the other side of the coin. A myriad of technological advances in mobile and connectivity technology has spurred human dependence on gadgetry to go along their daily lives - successfully isolating everyone on individualistic islands away from more 'humanly contact'. Here are a few things which ultimately waste your time, suck your leisure, kill relationships, and commit murder on your social circle.

1. Smartphones - Smartphones enable an individual to connect anywhere at anytime. Wouldn't it be nice to receive emails and pdfs of charts and proposals whilst on your week long holiday in the Maldives; and be expected to reply because your job says so? Technology supposedly alleviates stress by providing quick, one-touch connectivity; but would ultimately become our prison - enslaving us to our jobs and bosses forever. Sucks doesn't it?

 To add to that, in the advent of widgets, customizable and downloadable games through open-source programs and pre-made digital boredom-killers - we soon become individuals who only know how to interact via weird gestures with a mobile in hand. How many people have you noticed staring intently at their 3.5 inch liquid crystal screens, making poking & swiping gestures without a care in the world? For instance, I had a scenario where a friend called me out for a cuppa one night and all he did at the cafe was molest his mobile to no end. "Hey man you didn't just call me out to watch you give your mobilephone a jerkoff session right?" Put those down and talk like what our human mouths are designed to do!   

2. Satellite / Cable TV - How many of us own satellite or cable TV? Statistics have shown it to be at least 7 out of 10 people. How many of us find ourselves glued to the idiot box for hours to end, surfing channels programme after programme to wild away the day? Don't lie, I'm sure some of you would be guilty of that. TV sucks the soul away, putting us into a trance-like state where we can't pry our eyes from the pixel-filled screen even when a volcano erupts behind us. As our bodies remain idle for long periods, and our brains remain static from no human interaction; we will soon become a species of zombie-like husks who survive on commercialized liquids and junk food as we give praise and offerings to the TV God. 

3. FaceTwit - These things have been beaten to death by numerous articles already so I will cut it short: Farmville, online stalking, and announcements of your toilet duties will not bring you very far in life. I kid you not.

4. MMORPGs - Holed up in a dark room filled with light-emitting boxes, only moving your index and middle finger and mashing away on the WASD keystrokes for 18 hours a day will land you in the corner as a socially-awkward, weak-willed outcast of nature. MMORPGs are notorious for murdering time, raping the lives of many young impressionable kids. Yes they seek to fit in the social strata, yes they need to obtain instant gratification and a sense of achievement - these games in fact do offer them, albeit only in a digital world. MMORPGs are not substitutes for a real social life! Wake up boys & girls, there is a big big world out there for you to conquer! It's called REAL LIFE.

woof woof, yes master!

They need to know who is their 'master'. Help them find out who their REAL master is.

Its not about who gives the most 'biscuits'. 

04 March, 2010

I'll poke em out!

Why would someone wear glasses without lenses? Something like this:

The many wonders of human diversity really give a kick to the soft parts of head sometimes. Glasses were once considered a burden, a sign of handicap, a big arrow pointing down at you telling the world that you can be pummeled to the ground easily once your second pair of eyes were removed. No doubt that glasses have transformed from nerd-wear to hip-wear within the last decade, but it should not validate the reasons to wear them when lenses aren't even installed! What's the point?

People would argue it being a fashion statement; like this reply to a question found on answerbag.com:

Question: Why do people wear glasses with NO perscription lenses in them? Are you one of those people, what are your thoughts on this please?

Answer: Well.. I Am Not One Of These People But I Suppose Glasses Can Be Very Fashionable Especially The Designer Glasses. So That Could Be Why Also They May Make People Look More Intelligent Or Someone Could Just Maybe Want To Wear Them. 
(end of excerpt)

No my friend they do NOT make you look more intelligent. Someone with gray matter working at least 2% of the time would not want to wear glasses that allow blokes to deliberately poke two fingers into your retinas. Glasses by far do have the tendency to invoke auras of smartness and class, or on the flipside if badly fitted or designed, make you look like that nerd back in school that got kicked in the nuts everytime he tried to say cupcake. It has two sides to the story but once it comes without any lenses; it fails to qualify being a set of 'glasses', turning it to 'tard material. 

So please, for you people with a perfect 20/20 vision, if you want to wear glasses just to look hip, please choose those with non-powered lenses. The people who need to wear contacts or REAL prescription glasses all their lives would not sneer at you funny anymore. Promise.   

It's like parking a handicap at yourself when you don't have one. It could also be on the same lines as buying a wheelchair just to cruise around in it - just cause the cool kids say being in wheelchairs looks cool at the moment. lolwtf?