Creativity and passion is like juice. It can and will run out sooner or later. When it is running low and you can’t seem to fathom and recoup the ideas that are swimming in your head, it’s time to take a break. You can start by realising that you do not need to be at your work 24-7. Incorporate sessions to get you recharged, and then take note on how you feel afterwards; both physically and mentally. It is like your favourite foods:
You may love to eat chicken but if you eat it day and night, week in week out, you will at some point not want to eat it anymore.
When you take the stress away and not remind ourselves of work for awhile, you will be able to get back to it with more excitement; compared to not ever leaving it alone in the first place. Detaching yourself away from everything work related will remind you why you enjoyed the work so much in the first place. You will come back stronger and faster with ideas brimming at the rim. Giving yourself good positive tones will help with the way you feel about work.
Reward ourselves for all the hard work that we have done. Go on a vacation, see your friends, spend time with your family, or go do whatever it is that makes you happy. A change of scenery is something very important. It helps us develop different perspectives, induces creative ideas, and the jumpstarts our willpower to go out there and fight on again.